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The devil is in the details.What is rape? A child?

Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-April-5 14:54:27, Tuesday
In reply to you forget the pedo clause posted by jehovah's witless on 2011-April-5 13:40:57, Tuesday

Yes, it *seems* that the majority of people hate pedophiles.

The truth is, nobody *really* knows what percent of people really do hate pedophiles and pedophilia. The media, to earn huge profits, publishes sensational stories about pedos. People respond with letters to the editors, and comments to news articles on-line. But, are they representational of the general public? Sure, they are loud. They are vicious. They scream and rant. But, do they represent the majority?

Many others who do not feel the same way remain silent. Look what happens when academics speak out, saying that the supposed "problem" is greatly exaggerated. They were quickly silenced by threats to their careers.

What is pedophilia? What is a child? What is abuse? What is rape? What is sodomy? What is sexual abuse?

Most people have no idea. If you read the posts of people who "outed" themselves to friends and family, you often read that the poster was accepted, not rejected. How often? No, I cannot give figures. But often.

It would be interesting to do a clear, correct, random survey, to find out the percentages of people who are against adult/child sex. Of course, it would have to be done correctly.

If the survey asked, "Are you in favor of adults raping children?" then, I'm sure most people would say they are not in favor.

Why? Because the words are "rape" and "children". But, under the law, just touching a young person can, under the law, be called rape in the U.S. and Canada. Of course, the ordinary person would never consider just touching a person, even their genitals, without force or violence, whatever their age, to be rape. Rape, in the minds of most people, is when one person forcibly penetrates with his penis the anus or vagina of another person. A blow job would not be rape, even without consent, as their is no penetration (but it *would* be sexual assault). Fondling would not be rape. Masturbation would not be rape.

And, "children". Under 18? 16? 14? 12? 10? How old is a "child"? Most people, when asked to describe the age that someone is a child, would probably say under 14, or 13, or 12. When a news story says, "Man rapes child." no-one would imagine that the story could be about consensual sex between an 18-year-old and a 17-year-old. But, under the law, it can be rape.

If the survey asked, "Are you against 14-year-olds having sex? the results would be even lower of people against it.

If the survey asked, "Are you in favor of all people under 18 being sent to prison for having sex?" then, few people would be in favor.

See, by the twisting of the meaning of words, and the avoidance of clear definitions, the antis have been able to manipulate the minds of many people, and the politicians have seen the chance to get some easy votes.

Remember the list of "trigger words" that was compiled here? The idea was to get people to wake up to how the words are used to deceive people.

Perhaps if the question were, "Do you think that if a person over 18 touches the private parts of a person under 17, without force and with the permission of the under 17-year-old, that the over-18-year-old should be put in prison?" I think you would find a much smaller percentage of people who would say "Yes, he should be put in prison."

So, it is all in how the question is phrased. If you asked, "If someone who is under 18 asks someone over who is over 18 to tickle his private parts, should the over 18-year-old be put in prison if he does tickle the under 18-year-old's private parts?" then, again, I think you would find an even smaller percentage of people saying the over-18-year-old should be put in prison.

But, you see, we are talking about *sex*. Sex is dirty. Sex is secret. Sex is shameful. So, you cannot be too specific. It is not permitted to discuss things like this in public. (You have the church to thank for this.)

So, draconian laws are passed, the average person has no idea what is really going on. When it is explained to them, they are always surprised. I have tried this with many people. They are shocked to find out that the word "rape" is used the way it is. They cannot believe how the word "child" is used.

So, pedos go to prison, lives are destroyed, young people commit suicide. And the antis go gleefully traipsing down the street, all smug and self-righteous in their mistaken idea that they are making the world a better place. The road to hell is, after all, paved with good intentions.

Sick, isn't it? definitions of the words rape and child confuse people and make them hate pedos martirwithacausesticky

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