I note that Justin Bieber has had a haircut and auctioned off his shorn locks. These are said to have gone for some $40,000 and he is reported to have donated the proceeds to charity. It's possible this was an April Fool's joke rather than actual news, but either way, it occurred to me that if Justin really wanted to raise a lot of money, he should auction off his pubic hairs. Now, this of course assumes that Justin Bieber actually has pubic hairs. I wish I were in a position to give a definitive answer to this question and, if the answer were "yes," to provide a detailed analysis of such critical matters as length, extent, color, relative curliness, and density. Alas, I am forced to speculate. I am pretty sure he has some. They are probably slightly darker than the hair on his head; I would guess they are the same shade as his eyebrows. Some boys develop an alluring fuzz before the full thatch comes into view; others will have a strand here and a strand there, certain hairs being more precocious than their fellows in a manner of speaking. Although both looks can be very attractive, the latter facilitates plucking and auctioning. So I'll assume for these purposes that that is what he has -- a few delicate strands. (If it turns out to be fuzz, I suppose he could raise funds for charity by charging a few thousand dollars for witnessing a ritual shave-off. I would certainly plunk that down -- particularly if I could be guaranteed a seat less than five feet away from the action. Hell, if I had a shot at actually wielding the razor, I would consider taking out a second mortgage on my home!) But if it is indeed the plucking of strands that is at issue, then I think Justin should have the right to insist that people demonstrate a degree of enthusiasm and seriousness before being allowed to bid. You don't want anything as precious as a first growth pubic hair from Justin Bieber to fall into the hands of riff-raff, of those who would not properly appreciate it. I think it entirely appropriate that applicants be required to give Justin a rimjob before being allowed to bid on his pubic hairs. Justin should avoid showering for 24 hours before the job, and engage in only perfunctory wiping. Only those who can deal with the resultant rich, funky odor -- and willing to plunge their faces right into it -- can be trusted to treat Justin's pubic hairs with the appropriate respect. Those who pass this exam would then be allowed to submit bids -- and the auctioneer should set a minimum bid of $10,000 per strand. Winners would have the right not only to keep and cherish the strands, but pluck them from Justin Bieber's crotch. Runners up could pay for the privilege of holding down a Justin Bieber wrist or ankle while the plucking proceeds. But only winners would have the precious strands to use in flossing or as a masturbatory aid, or what have you. Runners up would have to console themselves with the memory of high-pitched squeals. But both could take satisfaction in the knowledge that their money had done double duty -- contributing substantially to charity while helping Justin keep his narcissism in check. |