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Online Terrorism, Right Here, Right Now...

Posted by Steve-D on 2011-April-2 03:12:15, Saturday
In reply to An open letter to boylovers posted by Justice on 2011-April-2 01:58:29, Saturday

Shame on you, terrorist!

Your phobia and hate, as well as your hostility towards open dialogue, only attests to your own lack of thought or sound standing.

Your outlook, beliefs and words really are just this fragile, aren't they?

...They cannot resist collapse, when faced with the real people, towards whom you channel your hatred.

For some people, places like this are their only outlet...It's their only pressure valve...

You don't like it?...Well, tough!

Isolation and being denied human dignity, are some of the core factors which cause a lot of our kind to psychologically break...and do stupid shit...

Think about this, the next time they are parading a dead child all over the media, claiming that some loner raped and killed him/her...and that we supposedly need another piece of train-wreck, shotgun legislation.

The blood of these murdered and raped children, is all over the hands of people like you, terrorist.

Stop trying to push/keep us underground, with your terrorist threats.

With love...

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