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Thanks for the Thanks. Encourage! encourage!...

Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-March-25 15:47:59, Friday
In reply to You can't make me paranoid posted by Rospo on 2011-March-25 12:51:31, Friday

... encourage! - if you want someone to continue to do something.

You understand that concept, I see, but many posters here read the messages here like it is some sort of video game - they just try to score "points", and if they can't score, they ignore. So. many people who *might* be able to contribute interesting and useful posts then just give up and go away...

I suggest that if more people here want quality contributions, then it would be good to make some response - *any response* - to posts that they like, or that they see have value.

Anyone notice how few active posters there actually *are* here these days? And how when someone *is* active, then anonymous nicks start bitching?

Has anyone wondered if perhaps this is *not* just a coincidence? Hasn't anyone noticed posters who, before they disappear from the board, say something like, "I've had enough of the bullshit here!"

Then, if we want the board to continue, we have to give positive feedback to the posters who post quality posts, and negative feedback to the ones who *discourage* valuable posts and good posters.

In fact, it may be that the antis here (yes, they are lurking all the time) may *deliberately* try to piss off the good posters, as the antis don't *want* good posters here. They want to board to die!

So, remember the saying, "Bad money drives out good money."

"Bad money" on the board are the posters who flame continuously.

"Bad money" on the board are those who criticize unfairly and incorrectly.

"Bad money" on the board are posters who cannot admit when they make a mistake, and cannot apologize.

"Bad money" on the board has been, is, and will continue to drive the "good money" out.

Until all the "good money" is gone...

That is, if we let them.

And the same with newbies posts - newbies may start out posting things that are not very interesting, as they test the waters, but as they continue to contribute the quality of their contributions *may* improve (of course, it might not, too...). So, encourage! encourage! encourage!

Or else it may get really lonely in here.

Just my thoughts on the subject.


Oh! Hmm... maybe I shouldn't post this - some people were bitching that I post to much. And, well, not very many people respond positively to my posts, anyway. Either I don't realize how bad the quality of my posts are, or else people don't want to read my posts. Either way, I would be wasting my time.

Should I post this, or not post this?


Well, I guess I'll post it. But, gee, there are so many other forums, and I sure am behind in my reading, and I've got so much great music that I still haven't listened to, and my room needs cleaning, and the laundry is dirty...

Well, I've spent so much time on this post already, it wouldn't be much more effort to just click on the "post" button. But maybe I'm just wasting my time... Well, here goes... Bet this post gets ignored... Wanna bet? encourage posters to keep the board alive, discourage disruptive posters. martirwithacausesticky

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