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I'm not taking a long hot shower with you.

Posted by Newport News on 2010-December-31 03:33:17, Friday
In reply to Back to the top with overlooked issues. Good! posted by martirwithacause on 2010-December-30 01:02:12, Thursday

But it's obvious that you come in with an uneducated opinion when there is plenty of media out there including a wikipedia article. The only thing you can't do is speak from the experience of watching Dylan arrive at BC and make his first post and then follow his antics for years until he made his last post. Add in a heavy dose of good memory and that's how I arrived with my opinion and thoughts. Instead you want to pick nits over off topic statements and the occasional mistake to win a debate.

The truth is always found somewhere in the middle of two sides. We have the sensational media and LE reports and then we have Dylan's side of things. Since I distrust both sides in this case there is nothing left but to figure it out on your own.

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