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Re: yoyoboy - Here are some examples

Posted by yoyoboy on 2010-December-30 17:55:49, Thursday
In reply to yoyoboy - Here are some examples posted by martirwithacause on 2010-December-30 13:07:11, Thursday

For what, a near life sentence? What is the point of that? If he was innocent, why would he do that?"

You seem ignorant of the fact that they can stack the deck SO bad against you, even if you ARE innocent, that a plea bargain is the ONLY WAY TO MINIMIZE the damage they do to you.

MANY innocent people HAVE EVEN CONFESSED TO CRIMES THEY DID NOT DO under pressure from clever interrogation techniques.
(google "innocent plead guilty confession" [without quotes])

And parole makes him eligible for possible release within about 10 years.

He's not getting out in ten years. I'd put a billion dollars on that if I had it.

But still, this is not a misquote or making things up. This is my own assessment of the facts. It seems clear to me that Dylan was guilty.

False. No mention of a life sentence. And 20, not 25 years: "On December 22, 2009, Jon Schillaci pled guilty to and was sentenced to 20 to 50 years in state prison after pleading guilty to one count of aggravated felonious sexual assault and 23 counts of possession of child pornography"

50 years for him would be a life sentence. He'd be what, somewhere around 90? I did incorrectly state 25 when it was 20 (I was going from memory) which I later corrected in my other post. This is so insignificant though, it seems that it wasn't even worth bitching about.

The boy confessed? No. The boy told his parents, "We have a secret." Then the police interrogated the boy. Yes, they questioned the boy. The boy apparently (we may never know) said that either Jon touched him or that Jon showed him some porn. Had Jon really had true sex with the boy, the charges would have been very different, and much more serious. No such charges were filed.

LMFAO! So according to you the boy told his parents "we have a secret" and the parents went to the police without even knowing what that secret was? Gimme a break man, that doesn't even make any sense!

Well, since you said "before 80" you are technically correct. He will be eligible for parole in December 2019, when he will be about 48 years old.

I said IF HE'S LUCKY. You don't even want to know what I think about the chances of him getting out in 2019. Well, I already did, I'd put a billion dollars against it. Get real.

You just bitched at nothing.

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