Like you, I used to post here frequently years ago, actually many years ago. Now its no YF’s and like you said, only an occasional glimpse and that’s it. Right now retirement is more of a project than anything else. Hope to do some traveling to some far away countries and perhaps the scenery will be better there. Boys are not the turn on they used to be thanks to meds that pretty much stifle the libido. Maybe that’s a good thing. I too was shocked and disappointed and disgusted when some of the individuals I used to see as posters here were outed, arrested and sent away. I mean some of them were doing things that were absolutely horrifying. That is when I realized that this was not just a place for supportive discussion. It had become a scary place. But, your post was excellent and pretty much everything you mentioned I could say ‘that’s a ditto for me too’. los chicos siempre serán tales criaturas: amor |