Brings back so many memories. And this is why I live in a non-English speaking country where local boys do not see elderly Caucasian males as potential sexual partners - at least none have come on to me, not even commercially. And so I happily wave and smile and occasionally stop and chat, meeting literally hundreds of lovely boys every day knowing that nothing is ever going to happen. But the white thought police do not see it that way, and as has happened in the past, I expect that at some time in the future they will come to educate local police across a cultural gap that can only spell disaster. For now, life is great. I think that Connor's "condition", which sums up mine, is a happy consequence of getting old. Sex is so ridiculous, really, biologically meaningful but that is all. However neutered and tired and over the hill I feel, I am still a lover of boys, and should the occasion ever arise I will respond. The years in prison will be overturned, I will accept the risk, celebrate that special feeling, and if caught I will proudly say, Your Honour, that boy was something else, it was worth it, it always was, and I wholeheartedly denounce the crap in which you and the world is mired. |