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This sux... seriously bud....GO PUBLIC!

Posted by MWM on 2010-June-21 12:14:03, Monday
In reply to brainwashing and morons posted by the other side of the coin on 2010-June-21 04:30:14, Monday

I was in your shoes many years ago.
My older friend had already passed away (thankfully) when the murmurings started about him. He was a prominent and well respected man in the community while he was alive and helping everyone he could with whatever they needed. He was big hearted and the kindest man I ever knew, who helped me through all kinds of troubles I had in my then young life.

After he passed away (when he could not defend himself) some horrible rumors started about him ( no need for details here but he was changed from hero to pervert in many peoples eyes)
He was NEVER a pervert. Yes he loved boys and I was one of his boys. He NEVER forced me into anything and never did anything I did not want him to do. I believe he loved me as much as I loved him.

All this being said lets get back to your situation...

The school teachers really do not know how to deal with this situation or you right now. They are doing what they have been "programed to do" but are in the dark about how you feel. They may even actually BELIEVE you are a victim.

It is up to you to let them know EXACTLY how you feel and that you are NOT a victim.
Tell them via every means possible....
Post all over the internet at every possible place you can think of...
You tube, Face book, twitter..... Then post some more.
Use all your free time to let people know you are NOT a victim and you ARE normal.
Let them know how they have wrongly incarcerated your friend and are now responsible at least in part for his death!

Every time anyone calls you a victim.. STAND up and say LOUDLY "I AM NOT A VICTIM" Let them know you were willing and able to ALLOW him to love you.

It is time for you to take up your sword and fight for YOU!

I wish you well on your journey through life and hope you remain strong and NEVER give in to the "VICTIM" brainwashing they will bombard you with until YOU put a stop to it.

I for one understand you and wish I could be right there beside you to steady you if ever you stumble. To comfort you when the fight seems useless and to hug you when you are feeling sad.

I can not be there in body but I, and others here, are with you in spirit. Be strong young man, stand up for yourself and for your fallen friend. Never give in to "them" and it will make a better man of you one day.

I wish you well ((HUGS))


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