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Can someone of African descent...

Posted by Nickless on 2009-December-8 19:58:33, Tuesday

Please explain this to me?

What is it about dark-skinned cultures that are homophobic in the EXTREME?

We saw this in the United States in California a short time ago when blacks, as an ethnic group, voted against gay marriage overwhelmingly relative to their numbers (about 70%, if I remember correctly, whereas the general population was against it by just over 50%).

Africans, whether Christian, Muslim, or pagan seem to be FANATICALLY homophobic... anyone got any ideas why? This seems to be a racial characteristic rather than a merely religious, cultural, or even ethnic stance.

This curious fucking mind would like to know...

(The reason this is on-topic is because the article refers to a common African belief that homosexuals RECRUIT kids to become homosexual, just like the religious conservative nut-jobs in America do -- tying homosexuality to pedophilia. Also, I remember reading a story many years ago how a white missionary was skinned alive and forced to run on a barbwired track strewn with glass shards until dead -- as punishment for having sex with a native teen boy. The boy's only punishment was castration and a beating, heh.)


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