Hi Moxy, Of all the tributes and summations of Michael Jackson's life(which are currently flooding the airwaves), these were the most honest, straight forward, and profound words that anyone has written (or spoken) to date. You hit the nail right on the head. Michael Jackson was a pedophile, a Boy Lover, as well as an enormously talented musician. But, as you suggest, the media will do everything to downplay MJ's Boy Love side. It just doesn't fit in with his musical accomplishments. More than that however, Pedophilia doesn't fit in with the mainstream's desire, no NEED, to immortalize him. When he was alive, most people realized that he was a Boy Lover. Now that he is gone, the very same people want to erase that certainty from their collective memories. Extremely thoughtful and well written moxy. I truly wish this piece could be circulated beyond the little blue walls of this room. 28 |