no-one (or almost no-one) knows the real-life identity of anyone who is or who is not a Boy Chat poster. In the same way many Boy Chat posters have already passed away unmourned on this board because their passing was not known to anyone on this board. I suggest that the black ribbon is used to show a community in mourning. Nothing more nothing less. This community of boy lovers seems to have many of its members mourning the death of another man who was demonstrably a boy lover. The black ribbon is a sign of respect and loss. The whole world has shown its sense of loss at the passing of Michael Jackson. On every continent and in every language. That sense of loss is felt probably more keenly by boylovers who grew up with Michael Jackson because we suffered alongside him and when he was on trial, even though silently, we were on trial with him. This is my black ribbon on this board for Michael. ~kabby |