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Probably not a troll per se, but a danger, yes.

Posted by Parsifal on 2008-December-26 12:29:28, Friday
In reply to Sheepish=troll? posted by Greencrystal on 2008-December-26 07:12:45, Friday

Sheepish is a flavor of boylover. Perhaps the High BL Priesthood flavor, perhaps not but Sheepish has an effective modus operandi that he still employs.

Make a point to ingratiate himself to newbies (beware Lil Smuflette and Aiden) and others and get them into his corner. Lure them into off board chat and ask increasingly personal questions of them to gain "trust" and information (which is likely he would reveal to others, if necessary, to accomplish his goals).

Make increasingly less subtle digs at the board administration and established posters at BC. Claim a new generation of BoyChatters that is somehow different from the older generation and seek to lead them in a revolt against the status quo.

At least that is my take on it.

Not to mention he's a Republican, the perfectors of wedge politics which should tell you enough right there.


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