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I don't think so

Posted by mark194 on 2024-May-8 21:50:43, Wednesday
In reply to File sharing links should be barred posted by Currant BL on 2024-May-8 14:49:24, Wednesday

I'm not sure file-sharing links are of that much concern. Does the risk of someone posting a link to cp actually jeopardize the existence of BoyChat, so long as such a link would be removed and the poster permabanned within hours?

I could be wrong, but I think as long such links are taken down quickly and action is taken against the person who posted them, BoyChat wouldn't be legally culpable for the content they point to.

Why allow a free-for-all board where trolling behavior is allowed? Why not have rules against trolling like every board has had for eons now? We don't need to pretend "safety" to ban Tyred

I half-agree: I'm tired of Tyred's shit and am starting to think he/she/it should be banned, but the only reason I think that is because Tyred constitutes a threat to the safety of posters here. He/she/it encourages people to do unsafe stuff (e.g. use gmail for bl-related communication, use sketchy websites, include their social security number in communications with other bls, etc.) and has a record of trying to lure users into off-board communication with him/her/it. Obviously, he/she/it doesn't pose much of a danger to posters who have common sense and have been here a while, but he/she/it does pose a danger to new, vulnerable users - this is the only reason I really take issue with Tyred's posts and why I bother to respond to them.

Beracine, for example, I just ignore, since, despite acting like a low-effort troll and contributing nothing of substance, he doesn't seem to really pose a threat to anyone's safety.

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