Do we even want to? With E publishing if nothing else. We could all contribute our memories of BC's what..............25..........almost 30 years? I don't know for sure. But i know when i got here and that was over 20 years ago. Does BC have the legal right to publish archives? Do we have archives that go all the way back to the start? If i remember right we lost everything before the "great outage." But I'm sure we have enough old fucks like myself lurking around here to fill in the blanks. Hell, word gets out that we are writing a book and i suspect there will be a lot of old nicks showing up to contribute. The idea just popped into my head and i had to bring it up. All proceeds to go to the 2020 Fundraiser? No? raffle something off? Sell BC hats and T-shirts? Go easy on me guys, I'm just thinking out loud...... .......with my keyboard. |