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The problem with that thread...

Posted by Ed on 2015-June-9 10:22:28, Tuesday
In reply to Prove me wrong posted by Skeezix on 2015-June-8 15:37:24, Monday that you kept insisting that your experience is the universal experience shared by all of humanity. It isn't.

Examples include:

I am of the opinion that at seven years old if they got an erection....

What kind of warped-minded woman would even consider having sexual relations with a seven year old boy? I'm a TBL and have never had a desire for any boy under 12....
(other people feel differently, and your 'opinion' is nothing more than the ideas you've come to have as a result of your own life experiences; it is NOT a universal fact applicable to everyone else).

The few seven year old I know play with toys and have no idea what sex is (The few seven year olds you know is hardly a large enough sampling to draw any sort of conclusion about ALL seven year olds). In other words, no one is going to live their lives based on your opinion.

Move along.

Men are disturbed not by the things that happen
but by their opinion of the things that happen

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