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Posted by tj on 2012-May-22 07:13:12, Tuesday
In reply to Well, things kinda seem to be working out posted by martirwithacause on 2012-May-21 18:15:54, Monday

Ipce is a forum for people who are engaged in scholarly discussion about the understanding and emancipation of mutual relationships between children or adolescents and adults.

The terms "mWac" and "scholarship" in the same sentence is laughable. This post was far more self-promtion than anything else, you heading right back at that same old axe you have to grind with bC about how poorly your self-declared "scholarship" has generally been received here.

Had you an inkling about true "scholarship" you'd never mention it here unless posting original research, not random shards of the research performed and published by others, or worse, your dimwitted opinions masquerading as "wisdom".

The last few days of both bC and mBc uncluttered with your infnatile rants and pseud-scholarship have been a nice respite from your usual litany of self-pity, bL nonsense, and over-arching and wholly unwarranted superiority complex.



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