... usually. But not always. Why argue with you? Why waste my time? You don't seem to understand, do you? I'll tell you something. And I am not being arrogant. I *know* what I am talking about, when it comes to many things. I have proven so innumerable times, here and many other places as well. I've earned a great deal of money being "right" in my lifetime. But, fine, don't believe me. I am, after all, just giving "free advice". And we know what *that* is worth. Usually. Am I perfect? Of course not! Nobody is! Do I sometimes exercise poor judgment? Of course! Nobody is perfect! But I'm going to tell you something, here and now. You have extremely poor judgment. Among other rather serious problems. And I assume the other cogs do, as well. And this, too, has been demonstrated innumerable times. I have only seen it here. But I'd bet that you, and the other cogs, have shown the same lack of judgment elsewhere as well. I have tried to explain things to you. First in very nice ways. And, yes, I *do* know what I am talking about, concerning this. You, along with the other current cogs, will be the death of BC - if you don't at some point come to understand what I have been saying over and over, first nicely then less and less nicely. You will. Or, if not the death of BC, then you will cause great harm to BL's - mostly the young and most vulnerable ones - by forcing them away, to their destruction on other, less-safe, forums. You really do to people, psychologically, what BL's are accused of doing physically to young people. You rape them. And when these poor young BL's go down, it *will* be *your fault*, too. Now, am I exercising "good judgment" by saying what I have above? Surprising as it may seem to you (and to others) I am! You see (and yes - I am patronizing you here) there comes a point where you just have to "hit somebody over the head" to try to get them to understand. That is, when everything else has been tried, but failed. So, that's what I am doing. BOP! Right on the head! Now, I realize that you (and others) out of their insecurity and defensiveness will twist the words in the previous sentence until they feel that the words can be used against me. But that's OK. I understand. I understand what you, and they, will be doing, and why. No problem. You may not believe it, but I really *do* have a very thick skin (usually - though when I'm tired or stressed, I become less tolerant of abuse). You see, I understand myself. This comes from great experience (including having made at least my share of mistakes). You need experience. Lots more experience. Then you may develop good judgment, too. Will it happen in time? I doubt it. Your defenses are too well-established. You appear to be oblivious to the existence of your defense-mechanisms. They seem to kick in, automatically. They seem far beyond your control. You appear to be unaware of them, and unaware of yourself too. You do not lead a "self-examined" existence. That's why it is extremely unlikely that you can change and grow. I'm sorry. I've tried to do what I could to help. Ah! Yes! The free advice, and what it is worth... Unfortunately, you are in a position of great responsibility (well, you are a "big fish" here, though BC may only be a "small pond"). Will my words endear me to you? Of course not. They will make you extremely uncomfortable. Even more defensive. You will be sorely tempted to attack me. Because you will (wrongly) feel that I have attacked you. And that will be just one more example of your poor judgment. And lack of self-understanding. But - I've tried everything else. (Cue the flamers here, to twist my words.) I hope that some day you learn to understand yourself better. And achieve at least some a bit more self-mastery. But I wouldn't bet on it. Oh, well... life goes on... Life flows like a river. But, yes, there are pools of stagnant water as well. Where the water is never freshened - and where nasty things grow. Sorry to be the "bearer of bad news". But I would bet on this - I'm not the first one to deliver this news to you. You've heard it, I'm sure, many many times before. But - congratulations! - you have hardened yourself against it. Big mistake, my friend. Big mistake... And for that, you will pay a very high price. (I'm not threatening you. This one is not about me. It's about you. I'm talking about you, and about the great emotional price you will pay, in addition to that which you have already paid. It's been expensive already, hasn't it?) Well, you've heard it before. You heard it, but unfortunately you never learned to listen. Such a shame... OK guys - let the flame-fest begin! Maybe flambe freddy will join in! Wouldn't surprise me. Not one bit. Nice sigpic he's got, too. 35k! Hmm... large. Oh, well, you know those fancy animated .GIFs. All those frames... __________________________________________________________________ Oh, if you've just "skimmed" this message, and now have reached the bottom to see what I *really* was getting at, then here it is. You're fucked. And you have, and continue to, fuck others. And there is probably no hope for you either. Now, you could go back and read - really read - what I have written above. It's put somewhat more nicely. But it's not likely that you will. [Why MElf and the other current cogs are the worst thing that has ever happened to BoyChat. How they have been and are now destroying BoyChat. And boylovers, too.] martirwithacausesticky |