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You *could* ask why that is the case...

Posted by martirwithacause on 2011-October-17 14:53:24, Monday
In reply to Re: Which is less work... posted by jk on 2011-October-17 12:30:18, Monday

If you look at my earliest posts, you don't *see* that.

Now, why would that be? Why have I gone from being a polite, well-mannered, patient poster to being so "pointy" and "making jabs"?

Something I ate, or something I drank, maybe? Perhaps the weather?

Or, did something lead me to be this way? Something that happened on the board? Something that other posters have done?

People don't become cynical all by themselves. It is a response to their environment. To the people around them.

Dogs don't bite until they've been mistreated.

Now, I'm NOT a dog, but...

... well...


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