My hat comes of in respect for those tiring few... you guys have more patience (and thicker skulls) than I do. Hmmmm, that sounds like a thinly-veiled reference to me and Spaz, since we're the long-time posters who defended mwac early on but have gotten exasperated with his antics lately. Now, I understand that "thicker skulls" was a metaphor for durability in banging one's head against a wall, but, well...there's something about that phrasing I'm not quite pleased with...perhaps a double meaning..... BTW... has anyone ever gone through all of the links martir posted in his master index to make sure they all point to internally served, BoyChat/FS resources? Sure, why the hell not? I highly doubt there's anything there other than what's purported to be there, but a few minutes of grepping never killed anybody.
- Prometheus, ready to let the bruises on his forehead start healing.