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Not 'usually'; I'd go with 'often'...

Posted by Prometheus on 2011-September-25 17:25:38, Sunday
In reply to You're a foolish jerk. (Now, don't go ballistic.) posted by martirwithacause on 2011-September-23 19:24:32, Friday

...considering that even a small fraction of your posts constitutes "often". But the signal-to-noise ratio, always kind of iffy, has dropped off drastically, and I'm sad to say you've become a net negative presence here, by a wide margin.

There's also the question of what constitutes a "adding value". If you believe it "adds value" to the board to post for no reason other than to give a link to Wikipedia defining a term in someone else's post, or to provide instructions for doing a Google search to a poster with stronger technical skills than you by orders of magnitude, then your standards of "adding value" are far looser than mine. If you exercised the discretion to leave out posts like that, then you'd annoy fewer people and you'd receive fewer jeers, have you ever considered that? Do you even care?

Believe me, I didn't want to call you out in public, I really wanted to avoid doing that. I wanted to have a calm, friendly, rational discussion with you in private. But you refused to give it a chance.

- Prometheus, throwing in the towel, and getting ready to soon be declared a foolish jerk
(defined as someone who doesn't approve of mwac being out of control)


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