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Talk about a tempest in a teapot!!

Posted by Prometheus on 2011-January-11 04:24:19, Tuesday

I believe I've mentioned a few times that what I really love about MetaBoyChat and the other ancillary boards is that I don't have to read them! They're great for keeping this sort of nonsense and endless bickering on the main board to a minimum.

To be frank, my enthusiasm for jumping into the fray at this point is just about nil. Seeing all the fur flying, my inclination is to quietly edge toward the door and close it behind me. But since I was specifically named and asked, here's my opinion on this colossal catfight: Big fucking deal.

I have neither the time nor the appetite to read through everything that has been posted on this topic, or to respond very extensively, and I'd be surprised if much of what I have to say hasn't already been said anyway, but here it is in a nutshell, and I'm sure my answer will disappoint just about everyone involved: I don't see much of a point to what martir is doing, but I don't see much of a problem, either.

In the post 9/11 world of extensive collection of detailed information about just about everyone and sophisticated data mining, you can hardly be too cautious. It's worse than most people realize; even most privacy-conscious boylovers don't know the half of it. However, that's not really the issue in this debate, because he's not making anything available that isn't available already. All he's doing is compiling archives that anyone can get for themselves, and providing instructions for what anyone can do for themselves. The BoyChat archives are readily available and searchable all the way back to 2003, and anyone who wants can download as much of it as they want. You can bet your ass that various police organizations and vigilante groups are already keeping archives, and anyone who doesn't have one can put one together any time.

I don't buy the argument that it makes things easier for less sophisticated vigilantes. Anyone who needs help getting this kind of information isn't someone who'd have a clue what to do with it and how to use it anyway. Anyone who has the ability to use the archives for nefarious purposes would have little trouble retrieving the information without martir's help. You can bet your ass that any interested law enforcement agency or vigilante group would have someone in their ranks with the minimal level of intelligence and technical ability that it would take.

If one wants to raise concerns about whether the archives should be readily available and weather they should be searchable, that's a whole different can of worms. There were raging debates about this a few years ago, in Dylan's time, and these are the decisions that were made. In any case, it has little to do with martir and any of his activities.

Whether or not martir compiles some archives and makes them available for download makes so little difference that it's beyond me how this tiny little anthill has turned into Mount Saint Helens.

Oh, one more thing I'd like to add...

TinyZipper: TAKE A CHILL PILL! Just RELAX, man! Do you have any idea how INSANE you sound?

- Prometheus, too tired to really get into this


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