... run things, or pretend they run things: Were I to change from sending PRFs about problems, to merely posting on MetaBC about the problem, would there be a slower response time with the MetaBC route, or some other problem you can foresee (having "worked" here more than me and all)? I WILL submit a PRF if I see something dangerous on the board, but anything else I'll just post here, since cogs (well at least cognomens) like to respond HERE to each and every PRF I send in: sometimes only two out of three PRFs, but who's counting? I could just send-in one PRF a day or something, so as to not confuse things too much for the cogs (I know you have important things to do and all). But maybe I'm trying to kill a bird before it's even in the bush (to coin a metaphor). So, to restate my question as a non-question, you cogs won't be upset with me if I post a PRF-like problem here, rather than PRFing it, since you cogs occasionally look at (uh, read) MetaBC anyway. Or should I NOT attempt to "MetaBC-bolize my PRFs and just go back to sending PRFs like normal people do? Like I've hinted about before, since I'm well-hated here and there and everywhere, I can't see a time that I'd want to send a private PRF... Well, maybe I can think of a few... but, anyway, carry-on... |