Anyone who thinks the world is going to get better even if things keep going as they are is delusional. Here's another example yoyoboy didn't mention: Now Obama wants ANOTHER $50-billion in 'emergency aid'. So the $700-billion plus he's already mortgaged from our grandchildren's future wasn't already enough. He's clueless to the fact that it will NEVER be enough. I say screw that. It's time for some big changes; things are not working. Part of my solution: Bring back crucifixion. Take all those people that started this mess, the directors of Enron and Lehman Brothers, Bernie Madoff, etc. and drag them out and crucify them. Make it public, make it painful, and put it on pay per view. I'd pay $89.95 to see that, and so would a lot of other people; they can use the profits to pay down part of this debt. Once this happens, people in charge of great sums of money will think twice about cooking their books in the name of greed knowing the possible consequences go beyond a lifetime behind bars. As someone who has never taken a dime of government aid (that 'pride' thing), it infuriates me every time I write a check for quarterly estimated taxes that it's going for bullshit like this. You think I'm joking? Think again: I assure you I'm not. Pray for Obama...Psalm 109:8 One Big Ass Mistake America |