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Posted by Enochian on 2010-June-13 00:31:17, Sunday
In reply to Yeah, maybe not posted by Tootles on 2010-June-13 00:20:57, Sunday

But there is a big step from that to racism, Jew-hating and Jew-baiting, antisemitism, and Holocaust denial. If you had said simply that, I would have just nodded assent and moved on. But what you have been doing here is WAY WAY over-the-top, and you know it. And the result is to muddy the truth, to confuse emotions and prejudices with reality, to make any real progress toward truth FAR more difficult, and at the same time to turn this board into an apparent haven for bigots and haters of every description.

I've never understood the liberal notion of calling all criticism of protected groups "hate speech." I mean, it's a nice buzzword, but I seriously doubt if .001% of such rhetoric is engaged in by a persons who actually hate the group being criticized.

What the FUCK are you so worked up about that it has made you go into this demonic spasm of spewing filth ? Yah, the whole Gaza Flotilla thing was a mess, and pretty hateful. So what is the answer to hate ? More hate ? Hate and hate and hate until it fills up the board and there is no room left for anything else ?

So are you actually going to criticize the Gaza Flotilla thing? Or perhaps the YouTube video the IDF made mocking it a few days after it occurred?

Or are you just going to stand here and scream "Hate! Hate!" at those who find Israel's behavior in that incident, and Israel's behavior in general since its founding, not in conformity with the way countries claiming to be Democracies with alleged "Shared Values" with the West are expected to operate.

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