"By his inaction against the BC hate-cult, he obviously supports racist hate at BoyChat and is willing to technically stifle any objections to my (or others) aggressive counter insurgence," That is one way of looking at it, but another is that by his inaction against satan's hate remarks his is simply supporting free speech. As I'm sure people have noticed already, I'm pretty opposed to overt racism myself..... however, I am really ambivilent about censorship when it comes to anything that is not a direct threat to the safety of boychatters or that makes the board unusable(only these issues are addressed in any of the 7 rules). I think there is a good argument to be made for it, but then again there are some very good arguments against it as well. Does that mean that I lack integrity? I hope that this is not the conclusion that you draw. " so what choice is left? .. just tolerate it?" No. I think it is our right, and our moral duty to let our objections be known, *but* within the allowable limits of behavior here. Free speech is a two way street- if satan has the right to be obnoxious and offensive, then we also must have the right to free speech- but excercised in a way that is not in conflict with the rules. To me this would mean that *each and every* time stain is shooting his mouth off with his racist crap, we have the right to make a post snapping back at him for it. However, it does not mean that we can attack him whenever he posts anything on any topic- that would be a campaign of harrasment(even though well deserved). I'm not sure what exactly happened that led to you getting banned(it's a lot to read through and I'm probably too lazy) although I do recall you saying that satan attacked you unprovoked just as much as the other way around, so I would wonder what the rationale would be to ban only you then. Do you think it is at all possible though to just wait out your ban and come back taking the approach that I talked about and being careful not to do anything that would give them any excuse to use against you? I suspect that if you limited yourself only attacking him when he was engaging in hate speech or defending yourself when he attacked you that you would be reasonably safe. And that way you would still be around to be a counterballance to his sliminess- otherwise will we be left with just evil and no one to speak against it? Besides, wouldn't it just make your skin crawl to let him win like this? "I am the meanest bitch on the fucking world wide web.. ;)" What a shame it would be to let such that meaness(I really enjoyed some of your quips and one liners) go to waste. |