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Re: Privacy Education 2.0 - Learning to Lie

Posted by ReTeIp on 2010-March-18 17:46:44, Thursday
In reply to Privacy Education 2.0 - Learning to Lie posted by Maintenance Elf on 2010-February-20 01:29:27, Saturday

Before explaining to newbies how to keep from being identified and persecuted by vigilantes, it might be useful to not direct them to persecution and vigilantes?

While I do applaud your initiative for a page explaining newbies how to keep from being identified and persecuted by vigilantes, I find it weird that at the same time BC in encouraging newbies to do exactly that, as here: where it says: "Posters also have the option of including a signature picture "sigpic". [...] Most posters use pictures of their younger selves, or a graphic of some sort. Any identifiable individual in a sipgic must be the poster himself"

I'm particularly concerned by you recognising that this is "a problem for young people who grew up with Web 2.0".

Us old farts will probably not be recognised by using a picture of our younger selves, but how 'younger' can that picture be, when addressing young people who grew up with Web 2.0?

And how sincere can an address to young people to keep their personal information ungoogleable be, while still encouraging the same young people to upload a picture of themselve?

Surely we cannot have a page on here, asking young people to be wary about uploading their face on facebook, while encouraging them at the same time to upload a picture of their face, albeit a 2 year younger version, on a pedophile site?


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