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Oh, touché

Posted by Alfie on 2010-March-6 15:26:32, Saturday
In reply to Re: Webmaster Santi? posted by nitro on 2010-March-3 12:35:25, Wednesday

I was, you know, not just a Boychat newbie at the time, but a total online forum newbie. Rules of engagement and all that. I didn't stand a chance, really.

Which brings me back to the main thrust of this thread. I'm with heartmeds here: I think it's fucking pointless.

I say that as one who surprisingly often receives applications for employment from hopefuls with email addrsses like (That's a figurative example, but it's not unduly out of line). I've considered replying to such applications with advice that they're pissing in the wind, but I've concluded that to do so would be a waste of time. Anyone that stupid is going to struggle to find a job and changing the email address is simply sticking a Band Aid over the cancer.

Even as a neophyte netizen at the turn of the millennium, it was patently obvious to me that to post any information that could lead to my identification on a board like this would be stupid. It doesn't take a great leap of logic to grasp that posting an email address containing your real name falls into the stupid category.

Nor is any insight needed to see that it would be reckless to post anything here that could identify you personally. Why the debates about telling "lies" and dropping in pieces of misinformation? Look, I'm quite happy to say (truthfully) that I live in an isolated rural area of the British Isles, that I'm middle aged and that I drive a clapped out car. It would be stupid of me, were it true, to let on that I live in Orkney, that I'm 47 and drive an N-reg Punto, even though I doubt if anyone at Peej knows where Orkney is or knows what a Punto looks like.

The rules and guidelines are suffic, surely? Just as the cocksucking idiots who apply to me for jobs have no chance of getting a decent job elsewhere, so anyone daft enough to out himself here will inevitably out himself elsewhere, so let's waste time and energy trying to stop him.

Right. I'm going to fuck my YF and head back to oblivion now. Night night.

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