While it may be impossible to prove, I think it safe to assume that if a black boylover, Jewish boylover, Indian boylover, Asian boylover, U.S. boylover, etc., or in 'Santi's and others' words - "nigger", "macaca", "currystencher", "ching chong", "gringo", etc., come to BoyChat for friendship and understanding of the BL world and themselves, it's not exactly a stretch to think that they won't last long and feel comfortable posting at BC while having to face Santi and the hate clubs egregious, hostile comments.. How would you feel..?? BC can always be a friendlier place, if the posters want it to be, and with a little help from management.. .. that's the sad part, Santi has so many racist, anti-Semitic supporters at BoyChat.. The problem I have with BC Administration is that they have allowed Santi's racist harassment to go on practically unrestrained. Freedom of speech is one thing, but past BC Administrations focused on BC's "Usability" (or was it another word Dylan coined). BC isn't very usable if you are a black person, Jew, Asian or Indian, or any others on Santi's fan clubs list of hate.. I believe there are a lot of good posters who want to post nice things about BL. We rarely ever see Boymoments anymore. Good people tend to go away when they are harassed by people like Santi. Why shouldn't BC management consider egregious racist hatred and anti-Semitic hostility directed at other posters be included in the 'no harassment' rule? They should strictly be limited to OC. BC is about BL, not hatred of BL's because of who they are.. it is so contrary to what boylove and BC should be about.. Melf is an intelligent, good guy who means well and works hard for BoyChat. Although he reminds me of the cold, dry, introverted but very bright engineers I've worked with for many years. I do like him though, regardless of his dislike for me. I'd like to buy him a new pocket protector for Christmas.. ;) I think all persons opinions matter, because there is a real live boylover with real human sensitivities reading those opinions. If they didn't matter, we may as well be organic robots like the... umm, Borg (heh).. You're right, BC is there.. but it could be so much more, if people cared enough to make it more. Santi couldn't do any better job of destroying BoyChat if he were actually a PJ troll.. .. wait a minute.. Oh, never mind.. BC Admins needs to update the 'No Harassment' rule.. period. I for one am perfectly willing to post nicely at BC.. who's with me..?? .. oh right, no one.. heh.. honesty.. thinking BC needs a better mission statement.. |